Register for Premium Membership Now
Membership Plans & Benefits
Basic Membership
Platinum Membership
Register in our global & local database
Exclusive dating blog and article access
Admission to member-only events (in person & zoom dating)

at a reduced cost
Ability to approve matches
Only with a platinum member
Personal matchmakers who will regularly search for you
15 minute phone consultation with a personal matchmaker
Priority listing to all matchmakers
See your match’s full name
Contact your matchmakers directly for advice
Basic members can accept you
What’s the cost to become a member? Nothing!
Our service is totally
Platinum members have matchmakers that search on their behalf directly!
Basic members ONLY receive matches when matchmakers match them with their Platinum members for whom they are searching.
Register for Platinum Membership Now: Only $24.95/month!
Platinum membership is the
membership that allows any member whom is matched with you, to accept you for FREE!